Motorola CEO Sanjay Jha said his company is open to Windows 8 as a platform 
and expects an aggressive roll out of newAndroidtablets in the second
half.  Motorola is open to Windows 8 as a platform, said CEO 
Sanjay Jha on Tuesday.
"We're completely open to Windows as a platform," he said when speaking at an
Annual Technology &  Communications Conference
today. The
conference was streamed via Motorola's  Web site. Its stable of devices such as
the Droid 3 and Droid X2 smartphones and  Xoom tablet currently all run Google's
Android operating system.
"We're not leading the charge on Windows 8, but as we become comfortable that
  [Windows 8] is a viable ecosystem [and] that the quality of innovation and 
quality of services and quality of capabilities [are] being delivered there, we 
will certainly be open to that," he said in response to a question.
Jha was careful, however, to intersperse his remarks about Windows by saying 
that "all focus is on Android today."
He was also queried about Nokia and its Windows strategy and its relationship 
with Microsoft. "Nokia seems to be disproportionately well positioned in that 
ecosystem. If our position in that ecosystem could be made to be somewhat 
equivalent, that would be interesting option for us to consider," he said.
And Jha spoke about the Xoom tablet. "Price points move much faster than 
anticipated," he said when asked what he had learned from the being first with 
an Android Honeycomb tablet. "We need to launch globally with Wi-Fi much 
earlier. Wi-Fi turned out to be a big portion of the shipments," Jha added.
As to future tablets, Motorola will come out with "much more aggressive form 
factors" in the second half of the year, he said.
Read more: http://news.cnet.com/8301-13924_3-20090423-64/motorola-ceo-completely-open-to-windows-8/#ixzz1UgpZr9se