Knowing that Microsoft wants to spread Windows 8 to the public, they must release it during a good time.  Likely, Windows 8 RTM will be released in the fall right before school and winter shopping.  Partners such as Asus have already shown off demos of Windows 8 Tablets.  Until then, the release candidate is being tested and refined to optimize the user experience, especially the mouse and keyboard input.
Example of the new Windows 8 Metro Start Screen
Dear Windows 8 Daily Readers,
       I have decided to ask you all to help decide on Windows 8 Daily's official logo.  Please feel free to design any type of logo that is appropriate.  This is not mandatory but please help contribute to our site!  The winner will win a whole blog post about the person if wished.  The winner will be appreciated vastly.  If you are interested and have a nice logo, please feel free to email us at [email protected]

                          Thank You,
                                Peter Vu, Board of Directors

As the title said, the beta is officially available.  You can download it at:

Tell me what you think in the comments.

Enjoy the beta! =D