Knowing that Microsoft wants to spread Windows 8 to the public, they must release it during a good time.  Likely, Windows 8 RTM will be released in the fall right before school and winter shopping.  Partners such as Asus have already shown off demos of Windows 8 Tablets.  Until then, the release candidate is being tested and refined to optimize the user experience, especially the mouse and keyboard input.
Example of the new Windows 8 Metro Start Screen
Leaks from NeoWin show a leak from a new HP Windows 8 Professional Bussiness Tablet.  It looks to seem like an advertisement for the new tablet.  The tablet is very thin, lasts 9-10 on a charge, and contains Windows 8.  Apparently its name is "HP Slate 8."  It also contains business standards that are very useful such as security and computrace.  This is a very excellent leak and we would like to thank NeoWin.  Details about this leaked tablet are below in the picture.  Please feel free to comment below also.  Thank You.
Windows 8 Beta was released a month or two and has successfully gained more downloads and attention than Windows 7, Microsoft's current stable desktop OS.  This is a great thing for Microsoft since it shows that developers are interested in the new mobile/ desktop hybrid OS.  Another rumors suggests that Microsoft is likely to release the Windows 8 Release Candidate this upcoming first week of June.  Stay tuned for more news!
As the title said, the beta is officially available.  You can download it at:

Tell me what you think in the comments.

Enjoy the beta! =D
    There has been a lot of fuss about the upcomming Windows 8 Beta to succeed the Windows 8 Developer Preview.  Over CES and the upcomming MWC, many people want to know about the beta.      All we know so far is that it will not be called Windows 8 Beta but Windows 8 Consumer Preview.  Many developers are eagar to get their hands on the new build.  The showing of Windows 8 Developer Preview is on Wednesday Feburary 29th, 2012 from 3:00 to 5:00PM.  
    The "Consumer Preview" will consist of many new improvements including added programs such as Mail and new tweaks to the overall experience.  The "ribbon" UI shown in Windows 8 Explorer will be minimized to save screen space.  Also, companies such as Qualcomm and Texas Instruments will be showcasing the new ARM computers.
    Stay tuned as we get closer to teh event.

For more news head over to my youtube channel at:

After being released to the world in September, the Windows 8 Developer Preview has lost some buzz.  Developers around the world can't wait for the next version of Windows being released next year.  The next preview of Windows 8 is the beta which will change everything including more support and features.  The date of the Windows 8 Beta is going to be around January and Feburary said by Microsoft.  The tech world is losing patience with Microsoft and wants Windows 8 now, but we all don't want another vista if you know what I mean.  Keep up the good work Microsoft; 2011 wasn't the best year for you but 2012 will be.

Recently, the hardware giants, Dell and Hp have announced that they will be making Windows 8 tablets in 2012 when it is released.  In the past both Dell and Hp have made unsuccessful tablets, Hp Touchpad o_O.  Now, the hardware giant ASUS has joined the Windows 8 tablet department most likely using one of the Eee-pad line tablets.  The Eee-pad Transformer Prime is comming soon and rumors suggest that ASUS will load Windows 8 on it once it is released.  The best Windows tablet on the market today is Samsung with the most powerful tablet yet; intel i5 proccessors, 4 gigabytes of RAM, and 13mm at its thickest point.  Next year, if Windows 8 is successful, it may have a change against Apple's flagship product, the iPad...

Windows 8 builds have been proven to have faster boot times than Windows 7 and even Windows Phone 7.  It is very surprising a full desktop Os can boot up faster than a tiny mobile platform.  The video is on the Windows 8 Blog by Microsoft at the link below.

In the Windows 8 blog, Microsoft said that they will be supporting ISO so no third party programs will be needed.  The only problem is that users will not be able to create ISO images.  Microsoft added ISO reading support to their new operating system because Windows 8 will be on tablets with no dvd readers. 

Microsoft's Windows 8 Blog has officially announced that Windows 8 will include an app store like Apple.  There, users will be able to download Microsoft software and third party software from developers.