Knowing that Microsoft wants to spread Windows 8 to the public, they must release it during a good time.  Likely, Windows 8 RTM will be released in the fall right before school and winter shopping.  Partners such as Asus have already shown off demos of Windows 8 Tablets.  Until then, the release candidate is being tested and refined to optimize the user experience, especially the mouse and keyboard input.
Example of the new Windows 8 Metro Start Screen
    There has been a lot of fuss about the upcomming Windows 8 Beta to succeed the Windows 8 Developer Preview.  Over CES and the upcomming MWC, many people want to know about the beta.      All we know so far is that it will not be called Windows 8 Beta but Windows 8 Consumer Preview.  Many developers are eagar to get their hands on the new build.  The showing of Windows 8 Developer Preview is on Wednesday Feburary 29th, 2012 from 3:00 to 5:00PM.  
    The "Consumer Preview" will consist of many new improvements including added programs such as Mail and new tweaks to the overall experience.  The "ribbon" UI shown in Windows 8 Explorer will be minimized to save screen space.  Also, companies such as Qualcomm and Texas Instruments will be showcasing the new ARM computers.
    Stay tuned as we get closer to teh event.

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Ever since the Build Conference in September, developers of all types have been downloading the Windows 8 Developer Preview.  Even normal users are downloading also.  As in the title, the download has hit 3 million downloads.  This is a very good sign for the Windows Team and Microsoft because it shows that a good amount of people have already started developing for the up-coming Windows App Store similar to Apple's App Store on Os X.  Now, Microsoft is working on the beta for a confirmed release in February.  So far, Windows 8 is doing well.

Please visit The Official Windows 8 Daily Youtube Page

Microsoft has just recently released Windows 8 developer build to the world.  Many changes and improvements have been spotted such as a cleaner interface and copy and paste improvements.  Microsoft's long awaited surprise has just been shown.  Some improvements include new apps, picture library, copy and paste, hyper-v support, and internet explorer 10.  It has truely been an exciting day for the Windows 8 Daily and the whole technology world.  Thank you for your support by reading this blog.  You can access the file at