Thanks to Joseph Collichio for reminding me of this website :P.  ANYWAYS GO SPAM HIM PLS.  Sorry this is really unprofessional, but you guys should add him on skype.  Good Day, new posts coming soon.
Microsoft Event October 26th..... 

(SPOILER: windows 8) =]

Just announced by Microsoft, Windows 8 will be released towards the end of October.  This is great timing for the upcoming holiday season and back to school sales.  Windows 8 was started way back when Windows 7 was released as an early build.  As of today, Windows 8 will be released soon. Rumours suggest a better metro/desktop integration and faster, more compatible environment.  The RTM is coming soon....  :)

Knowing that Microsoft wants to spread Windows 8 to the public, they must release it during a good time.  Likely, Windows 8 RTM will be released in the fall right before school and winter shopping.  Partners such as Asus have already shown off demos of Windows 8 Tablets.  Until then, the release candidate is being tested and refined to optimize the user experience, especially the mouse and keyboard input.
Example of the new Windows 8 Metro Start Screen
Leaks from NeoWin show a leak from a new HP Windows 8 Professional Bussiness Tablet.  It looks to seem like an advertisement for the new tablet.  The tablet is very thin, lasts 9-10 on a charge, and contains Windows 8.  Apparently its name is "HP Slate 8."  It also contains business standards that are very useful such as security and computrace.  This is a very excellent leak and we would like to thank NeoWin.  Details about this leaked tablet are below in the picture.  Please feel free to comment below also.  Thank You.
Windows 8 Beta was released a month or two and has successfully gained more downloads and attention than Windows 7, Microsoft's current stable desktop OS.  This is a great thing for Microsoft since it shows that developers are interested in the new mobile/ desktop hybrid OS.  Another rumors suggests that Microsoft is likely to release the Windows 8 Release Candidate this upcoming first week of June.  Stay tuned for more news!
Besides the focus of metro, Microsoft has vastly worked to improve the speed and stability of Windows 8.  In recent tests by PC World, Windows 8 proves to be faster than Windows 7 by a lot.
Credit: PC World
Boot time was one of the major things about Windows 8 speed improvements.  In Windows 8, the boot time has advanced to speed vastly thanks to Microsoft's new boot system.  The boot in Windows 8 is more safe yet fast.  In fact some believe that Windows 8 does not actually shut down but hibernate since it is a tablet optimized OS.

Credit: PC World
Also, as seen to the right, web performance has vastly improved in Windows 8.  The frames per second have a significant jump of 8 extra frames.  Thanks to Internet Explorer 10's speedy javascript and html 5 engine, web performance has surely improved.  In fact, in some tests, Internet Explorer 10 outspeeds Google Chrome by a mile.

In the long run, Windows 8 was a really big increase for speed for Windows.  The predicted date of Windows 8 has been as early as August to as late as December.  Stay tuned for more news!
Dear Windows 8 Daily Readers,
       I have decided to ask you all to help decide on Windows 8 Daily's official logo.  Please feel free to design any type of logo that is appropriate.  This is not mandatory but please help contribute to our site!  The winner will win a whole blog post about the person if wished.  The winner will be appreciated vastly.  If you are interested and have a nice logo, please feel free to email us at [email protected]

                          Thank You,
                                Peter Vu, Board of Directors

    As many of you must already know, the iPad from Apple has been quite a booming success.  It owns 76% of the tablet market share and is killing PC shares.  The reason why Windows 8 was made was to stop the iPad and Apple.  Just a day ago, the iPad (3rd-gen) was shown off at an Apple conference in England.  The screen is told to be amazing without a pixel in sight.  Also, it packs powerful graphics to power even more games.  The AppStore by Apple also just hit 25,000,000,000 downloads.  Microsoft better shape up in the game in order to win.  Apple has always been quite successful in producing hardware.  Microsoft must depend on their partners to produce friendly, powerful talbets for consumers.  I believe myself as a journalist that the idea of having a separate desktop beside the Metro UI is perfect.  You can run full Microsoft Office, play Flash, do Photoshop ON A TABLET, and play desktop games.  Can't wait to see the first wave of Windows tablets comming in the fourth quarter of 2012.  All I can say is Good Luck Microsoft!
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