After being released to the world in September, the Windows 8 Developer Preview has lost some buzz.  Developers around the world can't wait for the next version of Windows being released next year.  The next preview of Windows 8 is the beta which will change everything including more support and features.  The date of the Windows 8 Beta is going to be around January and Feburary said by Microsoft.  The tech world is losing patience with Microsoft and wants Windows 8 now, but we all don't want another vista if you know what I mean.  Keep up the good work Microsoft; 2011 wasn't the best year for you but 2012 will be.

Ever since the Build Conference in September, developers of all types have been downloading the Windows 8 Developer Preview.  Even normal users are downloading also.  As in the title, the download has hit 3 million downloads.  This is a very good sign for the Windows Team and Microsoft because it shows that a good amount of people have already started developing for the up-coming Windows App Store similar to Apple's App Store on Os X.  Now, Microsoft is working on the beta for a confirmed release in February.  So far, Windows 8 is doing well.

Please visit The Official Windows 8 Daily Youtube Pagehttp://www.youtube.com/user/Windows8Daily?feature=mhee