    In the Windows 8 Blog, Microsoft has posted a blog about installing updates in Windows 8. 
    In the past, Windows Update or WU, has interrupted users to try to install updates to the computer.  For example, when watching a movie or playing a game, windows would show a dialog box asking to install updates in let's say ten minutes.  Of course this annoys many users leading to the Windows Team to fix the problems.  Now updates install in about a day or two.  Everytime someone logs on the computer a message near the bottom right appears telling how many days it will be before Windows will install the updates needed to keep the computer up to date.  It can also sence when playing games or watching full-screen videos making WU saving the message to update the next time.
    You can read more at:

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Recently, the hardware giants, Dell and Hp have announced that they will be making Windows 8 tablets in 2012 when it is released.  In the past both Dell and Hp have made unsuccessful tablets, Hp Touchpad o_O.  Now, the hardware giant ASUS has joined the Windows 8 tablet department most likely using one of the Eee-pad line tablets.  The Eee-pad Transformer Prime is comming soon and rumors suggest that ASUS will load Windows 8 on it once it is released.  The best Windows tablet on the market today is Samsung with the most powerful tablet yet; intel i5 proccessors, 4 gigabytes of RAM, and 13mm at its thickest point.  Next year, if Windows 8 is successful, it may have a change against Apple's flagship product, the iPad...