Wednesday was when Apple released  their  newest operating system, Os X Lion, the successor of Os X Snow Leopard.  Os X Lion showed an iPad like user interface.  Sadly, Microsoft will be releasing Windows 8 around spring 2012 when it will be too late.  Thirty percent of the Windows PC market share will be taken by tablets, especially the iPad, Mac's, and the new chrome books by Google.  Hopefully, Microsoft will speed up and release Windows 8 later this year or they will  be doomed.      
Because Windows 8 is moving to ARM Chips, the price of laptops will go down.  Intel's x36 platform will be decreased over the years as shown in the graph below.  ARM Chips are cheaper and are low powered.  Most likely, ARM will appear in netbooks and some notebooks.
Businesses will want to migrate from Windows 7 because of Xp's end of support date in a couple of years.  They would view Windows 7 as safe because it is a modern Os and is likely to be stable.  Windows 8 on the other hand will be unstable and untested.  Windows 8 is like a way to get Xp and Vista users to migrate to Windows 7.  Basically, Xp's and Vista's market share will go down in 2012 when Windows 8 is released.
Widnows 8 is rumored to be released in April 2011 on many tablets and regular PC's
Thank you for visiting Windows 8 Daily.  In this site, there will be daily news about Microsoft's upcoming operating system Windows 8.  I will try to post something new about Windows 8 every day.  Thank you again.