As the title said, the beta is officially available.  You can download it at:

Tell me what you think in the comments.

Enjoy the beta! =D
Windows 8 Daily has just opened a Twitter Page.  Here, we will report quick and fast news about Windows 8.  

Follow us at:!/Windows8Daily

Also, stay tuned for a Windows 8 Daily Facebook Page.

    There has been a lot of fuss about the upcomming Windows 8 Beta to succeed the Windows 8 Developer Preview.  Over CES and the upcomming MWC, many people want to know about the beta.      All we know so far is that it will not be called Windows 8 Beta but Windows 8 Consumer Preview.  Many developers are eagar to get their hands on the new build.  The showing of Windows 8 Developer Preview is on Wednesday Feburary 29th, 2012 from 3:00 to 5:00PM.  
    The "Consumer Preview" will consist of many new improvements including added programs such as Mail and new tweaks to the overall experience.  The "ribbon" UI shown in Windows 8 Explorer will be minimized to save screen space.  Also, companies such as Qualcomm and Texas Instruments will be showcasing the new ARM computers.
    Stay tuned as we get closer to teh event.

For more news head over to my youtube channel at:

It has been quite a good year here at Windows 8 Daily.  Especially at my youtube channel gainning subscribers every week.  I would like to thank all of my viewers by giving out a free exclusive Windows8Daily Calender to start the new year.  Thank You so much. File Link:
As many of you know, the United States of America is trying to pass a bill to create Internet Cencorship.  This means that it gives the government power to take down any website containing a single piece of copyrighted material.  Here at Windows 8 Daily we like to depict our site with colorful images.  We do not actually own these images.  If the SOPA or Internet Cencorship is passed, many of our favorite websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, and even Youtube can be taken down by a couple of clicks.  And so to prevent this bill from passing please may you sign this petition by Google to help stop this horrible bill.                   
                                Until then,                            
                                        Peter Vu, Owner of Windows 8 Daily